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Masjid Tawheed m1-1.jpg

Objectives & Missions

The Masjid is exclusively a place of worship and a center created to educate and spread the true message of Islam whilst also serving as a constant reminder of the need to worship Allah alone, and as a warning against the danger of Shirk and Innovation. As Allāh says:

“And I (Allāh) created not the Jinns and humans except they should worship Me (Alone).” {51:56}

The Masjid adopts a middle course in all its affairs. Its activities are rooted in the teachings of the Qurān and Sunnah based on the understanding of the pious predecessors (the salaf-us-sālih). 

The Masjid endeavors to educate the youth about their religion and fosters an inclusive environment of brotherhood and community spirit. As the messenger peace be upon him said,

“Treat the people as you love to be treated”.

The Masjid aims to promote harmony and understanding between its neighbors and the local communities by displaying the good morals commanded by Islam and by opposing any form of extremism and partisanship.

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